HALCON integration

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How to use PhoXi 3D scanners through HALCON

1) download and install softwares from the Photoneo website
PhoXiControl 1.1.41
HALCON13 (for HALCON12 - see Older downloads)
2)%HALCONROOT% and %HALCONARCH% enviroment variables should be set
3) Open example file hAcqPhoXi.hdev located in C
\Users\Public\Documents\PhoHalcon\ with HDevelop
4)launch PhoXiControl (PhoXiControl must be running in order to call API functions)
5)start our HALCON example (it connects to the last scanner in PhoXiControl)
6) change open_framegrabber (AcqName, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 'default', -1, 'default', -1, 'false', 'default', 'yyyy-mm-xxx', -1, -1, AcqHandle) to scanners serial number