Bin Picking Tutorial: Setting up Photoneo Bin Picking Studio with STAUBLI robots

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1. Prerequisities

Photoneo Stäubli Interface was developed using the latest CS9 controler version s8.4.2Cs9BS1099.

It should be compatible with older CS8 controllers with several (mostly UI related) changes.

NOTE: Use of Stäubli Robotics Suite 2016.6.1 or higher is highly recommended for Photoneo Stäubli Interface setup.

2. CS9 Controller setup

The following tutorial gives a step by step guide of how to configure your Stäubli CS9 controller and install all necessary VAL3 files you will need to get the robot interface for Photoneo Binpicking Solution up and running.

2.1 Network configuration

As a first step we will configure network interfaces.

Turn on the CS9 Controller, wait for the Initialization Screen to appear, open the Settings and select the Network option:

Staubli BP tutorial fig1.png

As you can see in the figure below, 2 network interfaces are available.

- J204 is usually used for communication with the third party devices, in this case with the Vision Controller.

- J205 is usually designated for file transfers between Staubli Robotics Suite and Robot controller.

Adopt J204 IP address to meet your network configuration.

Staubli BP tutorial fig2.png

3 Staubli Robotics Suite

Now it is time to launch Staubli Robotics Suite and start with the SRS project configuration.

3.1 Create new project

Start by creating a new project. Click on Home tab -> New -> New cell wizard.

Type the project name and select the project location. For the purpose of writing this tutorial we will use TX2_40 arm and Photoneo_binpicking as a project name.

Staubli new project.png

If you are already connected to a real robot controller select option Add a local controller from a remote controller.

Staubli remote controller.png

In order to select a controller from available targets, click on "..." button

Staubli conection.png

In the General Information section type J205 IP address of robot controller.

Remote Connection section contains authorization information. Type following credentials for accessing controller:

User Name: maintenance.

Password: spec_cal

Port : 5653

Hit OK button and if everything works properly you should see following dialog window:

Staubli BP tutorial transfer.png

3.2 Copy VAL3 applications

If connection was established properly, you are ready to copy VAL3 files containing Photoneo Staubli interface to your project.

Photoneo Staubli interface consists of 3 folders - photoneo_common, customer_definitions and main_application.

Copy these folders from Photoneo-Staubli USB Stick which you received with Photoneo BP solution to the usrapp folder of your project (Project_name\Controller_name\usr\usrapp\ ).

Now open Cell Explorer in Staubli Robotics Suite and add existing applications to the project.

Right click on Project_name -> Controller_name -> Open Application and load all 3 applications (select .pjx files).

Staubli open app.png

The resulting project structure is shown in the figure below:

Staubli BP tutorial cell explorer.png

3.3 Create fBaseLink

Cartesian origin of Staubli robots is different than Cartesian origin of robot models used in Photoneo Binpicking System. In order to enable successful calibration, an additional frame with predefined offset in Z axis must be created.

In Cell Explorer, switch to Data tab, right click on photoneo_common -> New Data and choose Frame. Make sure that frame name is set to fBaseLink otherwise you will experience errors during startup.


Table of offsets for specific robot models is shown in the figure below:

Staubli BP tutorial Offset Table.png

3.4 Socket configuration

For a proper communication with the Vision Controller two sockets (one server and one client) needs to be configured.

On the Home tab click on Physical IO's button. In the table below right click on Sockets -> Edit Board

Socket setup.png

First add Tcp_client which is used for transfering bin picking requests and responses between robot and vision controller.

Add tcp client.png

Use following values:

Name: PhotoneoClient Port: 11003 Description: Photoneo Binpicking Client Timeout: 3000 End of String: 10 Server IP: IP address of Vision Controller

And click OK to apply changes

Staubli tcp client.png

Now add Tcp_server with following values:

Name: PhotoneoStateServer Port: 11004 Description: Photoneo State Server Timeout: 0 End of String: 10

And click OK to apply changes

Staubli tcp server.png

Now we need to create two sio variables and link them with existing sockets.

Using Cell Explorer switch to Data tab and create two sio variables - sPHOCLIENT and sPHOSTATE.

In order to link sio variables with existing sockets, double click on sPHOCLIENT and select Sockets\PhotoneoClient socket in the IO field.

Repeat the same procedure with sPHOSTATE and Sockets\PhotoneoStateServer.

As a result you should see that both variables are linked to physical IOs as shown in the picture below:

Socket link.png

3.5 Binpicking Start and End poses

An inevitable step of binpicking configuration is the configuration of bin picking home, start, and end poses.

Using Cell Explorer switch to Data tab and create 3 jointRx variables - jStartPose, jEndPose, jHomePose (Be careful about naming)

Set joint values of JStartPose, jEndPose and jHomePose to meet your application requirements.

Staubli start pose.png

This was the last step of the initial SRS project configuration. Save the cell and you are ready to transfer files project to the robot controller.

3.6 Transfer files

On the Home tab click on the Transfer Manager button and select target robot controller.

Staubli conection.png

If connection between SRS and robot controller was established properly, a transfer manager dialog window should appear.

We have done changes to IO and VAL3 Applications so make sure that these items are checked before transferring files.

Robot staubli transfer manager.png

3.7 Load Application

If project has been transferred to the robot controller successfully, it has to be loaded using pendant. With the current system version this is achieved using the "old menu" from previous controller version.

Start by clicking the button shown in the picture below:

Staubli BP Tutorial pendant.png

In the old menu select Application manager -> Val3 applications -> main_application -> F6 (open)

Staubli BP tutorial old menu.jpg

Return back to the "color menu" by pressing Home button. Now open VAL3 Applications menu.

Click the bottom label and select "V" letter on the widget as shown in the picture below:

Staubli BP tutorial menu.png

You should see main_application is now available in the application list.

As the last step, we need to make main_application to start automatically. Click main_application and set autostart mode.

Staubli BP tutorial autostart.png

At this point your Robot Controller is configured to work with Photoneo Binpicking Solution. However you should adopt VAL3 code to meet your application requirements better - you might need to reteach HOME, START and END poses, update part placing, application logic, etc. The following section of the tutorial provides basic examples of how this can be programmed as well as a detailed explanation of Photoneo VAL3 API.

4. VAL3

Photoneo Staubli interface was designed to be easily integrated into existing application written in VAL3 code. It provides two means which influence the final robot behavior:

- VAL3 API - set of VAL3 requests (or procedures) used to control the bin picking sequence. Requests are defined in photoneo_common application and used within main_module application

- VAL3 CONFIG - customer_definitions holds an application specific settings such as gripper commands, motion speed, precision and overall bin picking sequence definition.

4.1 VAL3 API

The following API describes the functionality of requests provided by Photoneo Stabli Interface. These requests are intended for high level control of bin picking sequences and are usually called in main_module application.

pho_request_init() - request to initialize bin picking application from the Vision Controller side. Start and End Poses defined by the operator from thephotoneo_common in chapter 3.5 side are transferred to the Vision Controller and used in the trajectory planning pipeline as start and terminus points.

wait_for_server() - optional function to check if a connection to the Vision Controller has been established.

scan_request() - request to trigger the next scan and localization. Non-blocking request; the VAL3 program continues immediately at the next line.

wait_for_scan_completition() - function to wait for scan to be finished. This should be called after triggering the scan, but not immediately

trajectory_request() - request to start trajectory planning for current goal. Non-blocking function; the VAL3 program continues immediately at the next line.

trajectory_receive() - function to receive requested bin picking trajectories (consisting of a sequence of trajectory and gripper operations). This is usually called inside pick_part() function by default. Blocking function; waits for motion data to be received.

calib_add_point_request() - request to add calibration point - a scan is triggered and the calibration is recalculated. Blocking request; the program will not continue until the calibration result is recalculated and has been received by the Robot Controller.

calib_set_to_scanner_request() - request to set current calibration result to the PhoXi Scanner

calib_reset_request() - request to reset current calibration and remove all previously added points

pick_part() - request to execute bin picking operation. This usually receives the requested trajectory and performs motion execution. Blocking function; the program does not continue until the whole sequence is finished. Always make sure that the robot is in photoneo_common:jStartPose before calling this function.


customer_definitions enables the user to configure several bin picking settings, including gripper command implementations, trajectory speed and precision adjustments.

- gripper_attach() - implement function for opening your gripper here

- griper_detach() - implement function for closing your gripper here

- gripper_user_1() - implement custom user gripper command (reserved for future use)

- gripper_user_2() - implement custom user gripper command (reserved for future use)

- gripper_user_3() - implement custom user gripper command (reserved for future use)

- gripper_user_4() - implement custom user gripper command (reserved for future use)

- gripper_user_5() - implement custom user gripper command (reserved for future use)

- gripper_user_6() - implement custom user gripper command (reserved for future use)

- pick_part() - standard bin picking sequence. This flexible, operation-based implementation allows performing bin picking sequences, which consist of various numbers of operations to be performed. Do not edit !!!

- customer_definitions:mPickingSpeed which is type mdesc is used to define speed and path approximations for Picking Path Stages as defined in Photoneo Binpicking Web Interface. Define trajectory speed and precision of Approach trajectory on the first line, for a Grasp trajectory on the second line and so on ... See the table below for better understanding:

Staubli mdesc.png


Photoneo BP solution provides basic error handling. If an error occurs during bin picking operations the photoeno_common:nErrCode variable contains the code of the specific error which will helps to identify the source of the problem.

photonoe_common:nERR_OK := 0 - Service response from Vision Controller is valid

photonoe_common:nERR_SERVICE := 1 - Service response from Vision Controller is invalid.

photonoe_common:nERR_UNKNOWN_REQ := 2 - The Vision Controller received an unknown request.

photonoe_common:nERR_COM_FAILURE := 3 - Communication failure due to socket closure.

photonoe_common:nERR_BAD_DATA := 4 - Data validation check has failed.

photonoe_common:nERR_TIMEOUT := 5 - Communication failure due to socket timeout.

photonoe_common:nERR_PLANNING_FAILED := 201 - Trajectory planning has failed

photonoe_common:nERR_NO_PART_FOUND := 202 - No part has been localized

photonoe_common:nERR_NOT_INITIALIZED := 203 - Bin picking application has not been properly initialized on Vision Controller

photonoe_common:nERR_PART_LOST := 204 - Part has been lost during motion execution

photonoe_common:nERR_UNKNOWN_ERR := 299 - Unspecified internal error

4.4 main_module application

The following section provides a detailed explanation of main_application - the module through which the user's application and Photoneo Bin Picking API are integrated together.

4.4.1 start()

The start() procedure is simply a selection of which particular task is about to be executed.

Comment PHOMAIN task in order to execute calibration procedure or comment PHOCALIB task if you want to execute bin picking.

     // Copyright (c) 2018 Photoneo s.r.o.
     // All rights reserved
     // Description: Photoneo Staubli Module v.1.2.0 -  Start()
     call photoneo_common:start()
     // Start PHOMAIN task
     // Comment this code, when you can calibrate
     if((taskStatus("PHOMAIN") == -1))
       taskCreate "PHOMAIN", 50, main()
     // Start PHOCALIB task 
     // Uncomment this code when you can calibrate
     //if((taskStatus("PHOCALIB") == -1))
     //  taskCreate "PHOCALIB", 50, calibration()
     // Start WATCHDOG task
     if((taskStatus("WATCHDOG") == -1))
       taskCreate "WATCHDOG", 50, watchdog_main()

4.4.2 main()

This is a basic bin picking template. The main program loop is defined here. Adopt application login and placing part of the code to meet specific workcell and application requirements.

     // Copyright (c) 2018 Photoneo s.r.o.
     // All rights reserved
     // Description: Photoneo Staubli Module v.1.2.0 - Main Module
     //              This is a basic bin picking template. The main program loop is defined here.
     //              Adopt application login and placing procedure here to meet your application requirements
     // Clear error counter for err_handling procedure
     l_nErrorCounter = 0
     //  Wait for connection to the the Vision Controller 
     call photoneo_common:wait_for_server()
     // Send bin picking initialization request to the Vision Controller, 
     call photoneo_common:initialize_request()
     // Move robot away from scanning area - reteach this position for your robot and workcell
     movej(jHomePose, flange, mNomSpeed)
     // When robot is away from scanning area, trigger first scan and localization
     call photoneo_common:scan_request()
     while true
       //==================== PHOTONEO BIN PICKING START ===========================
       // wait until scanning is completed
       call photoneo_common:wait_for_scan_completition()
       // Check Error Status
       if(photoneo_common:nErrCode == photoneo_common:nOK)
         // Trigger trajectory planning
         call photoneo_common:trajectory_request()
         // While trajectory is being calculated, move robot to bin picking start position
         movej(photoneo_common:jStartPose, flange, mNomSpeed)
         // Calculated trajectory is received here
         call photoneo_common:trajectory_receive()
       // Check Error Status
       if(photoneo_common:nErrCode == photoneo_common:nOK)
         // If trajectory is valid pick part execute bin picking application
         call customer_definitions:pick_part()
         //=================== PHOTONEO BIN PICKING END ===========================
         // Clear error counter if result is ok
         l_nErrorCounter = 0
         //==================== PLACING START ==================================
         // Adopt code for placing operations
         movej(jHomePose, flange, mNomSpeed)
         // Triger next scan and localization, trajectory for next cycle is calculated while object is being placed 
         call photoneo_common:scan_request()
         call place_part() 
         //==================== PLACING END ==================================          
         //====================== ERROR HANDLING START =======================  
         // In case of communication failure, main_application is terminated immediately
         if(photoneo_common:nErrCode == photoneo_common:nERR_COM_FAILURE)
           popUpMsg("Communication failure")
           movej(jHomePose, flange, mNomSpeed)
         //If bin picking service returned error response, reinitialize and trigger new scan (Adopt if needed) 
         elseIf(photoneo_common:nErrCode == photoneo_common:nERR_SERVICE or photoneo_common:nErrCode == photoneo_common:nERR_NOT_INITIALIZED)
           popUpMsg("Service error from VC")
           movej(jHomePose, flange, mNomSpeed)
           call photoneo_common:initialize_request()
           call photoneo_common:scan_request()
         //  If planning failed or no part was found, notify user and continue by next scan (Adopt if needed)
         elseIf(photoneo_common:nErrCode == photoneo_common:nERR_PLANNING_FAILED or photoneo_common:nErrCode == photoneo_common:nERR_NO_PART_FOUND)
           popUpMsg("No part found or planning failed")
           movej(jHomePose, flange, mNomSpeed)
           call photoneo_common:scan_request()
         l_nErrorCounter = l_nErrorCounter + 1
         if(l_nErrorCounter > 2)
         //====================== ERROR HANDLING END =========================  

4.4.3 calibration()

Reteach calibration positions and call pho_request_calib_add_point() requests after reaching each calibration pose. Users are recommended to run calibration in MANUAL mode in order to have full control over the process.

Always make sure that the robot does not collide with the workcell during transitions between specific waypoints.

     // Copyright (c) 2018 Photoneo s.r.o.
     // All rights reserved
     // Description: Photoneo Staubli Module v.1.2.0 -  Calibration Routine
     //              Reteach points and use as many as you need
     //              It it recommended to run calibration in MANUAL mode step by step to have a proper control over the process. 
     //              Always make sure that robot does not collide with workcell during transitions between specific waypoints
     movej(jCalib1, flange, mNomSpeed)
     call photoneo_common:printLog("Calibration Point 1 reached", "CLIENT")
     call photoneo_common:calib_add_point_request()
     movej(jCalib2, flange, mNomSpeed)
     call photoneo_common:printLog("Calibration Point 2 reached", "CLIENT")
     call photoneo_common:calib_add_point_request()
     movej(jCalib3, flange, mNomSpeed)
     call photoneo_common:printLog("Calibration Point 3 reached", "CLIENT")
     call photoneo_common:calib_add_point_request()
     movej(jCalib4, flange, mNomSpeed)
     call photoneo_common:printLog("Calibration Point 4 reached", "CLIENT")
     call photoneo_common:calib_add_point_request()
     movej(jCalib5, flange, mNomSpeed)
     call photoneo_common:printLog("Calibration Point 4 reached", "CLIENT")
     call photoneo_common:calib_add_point_request()
     call photoneo_common:calib_set_to_scanner_request()

4.4.5 watchdog_main() and error handling

Several error situations might occur during bin picking procedures. Some problems are more serious, some less. For example, if no part is found or the trajectory planning fails, the program simply attempts to repeat the whole sequence. However, if a communication failure is detected, the program is halted immediately. photoneo_common:nErrCode contains the error state from the last response from the Vision Controller. Example of Error handling is described in chapter 4.4.2

IMPORTANT: If error occurs during binpicking procedure, robot moves to home position and halt PHOMAIN task. Watchdog monitors state of PHOMAIN() every second and restart this task imediately.

     // Copyright (c) 2018 Photoneo s.r.o.
     // All rights reserved
     // Description: Photoneo Staubli Module v.1.2.0 -  Watchdog
     //              Monitor PHOMAIN task status and restart task after crash
       // Check PHOMAIN State
       if((taskStatus("PHOMAIN") == -1))
           popUpMsg("Main program is down! Restarting...")
         taskCreate "PHOMAIN",   50, main()
       // Check Tasks State Every Second

5. Runtime

Now you are ready to start the binpicking application. Save the Cell, transfer all changes to the robot controller using Transfer Manager tool, and reload the application using the "old menu".

Make sure that the Bin Picking application on the Vision Controller side is running and waiting for a connection:

[[File: ]] (Tu asi pride screenshot z webu)

Switch controller to Auto mode, press Reset button if Safety Restart is needed and launch the main_application.

If a connection to Vision Controller was established properly you should see following information on logging screen:

Staubli BP tutorial runtime2.png

You should also receive the notification that the Vision Controller has established a successful connection to the robot controller:

[[File: ]] (Tu asi pride screenshot z webu)

According to the current robot controller mode you might need to press the Power (Button I) and the Play (Button II) in order to enable motion execution

Staubli BP tutorial pendant run2.png

Robot controller should start sending requests to the Vision controller and executing first binpicking movements. See logging screen on Pendant for information about the procedure:

Staubli BP tutorial runtime3.png

NOTE: Make sure that you are ready to halt motion execution immediately. It is highly recommended to decrease the speed to 10% of maximum during initial bin picking tests.