Bin Picking Tutorial: Setting up Photoneo Bin Picking Studio with FANUC robots

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1. Prerequisites

Please make sure that your Fanuc controller meets following criteria:

- System version 8.10 and higher (Versions 6.40 - 7.70 are also supported with certain limitations)

- R632 Karel - Karel option available

- R648 User Socket Msg - Socket Communication option available

Click Menu -> Status -> Version ID -> Next -> Order FI to show installed options

Fanuc tutorial Step1.png

2. Fanuc Controller Setup

2.1 Set an IP Addresses of Ethernet Ports

Turn on the robot controller and set the controller IP addresses to meet your network configuration.

On Pendant Press Menu -> Setup -> Host Comm -> TCP/IP:

Fanuc tutorial Step2.png

Two Ethernet ports should be available for configuration, it is recommended to configure Port#1 for communication with Vision Controller:

Fanuc tutorial Step2 2.png

If you use ROBOGUIDE for workcell commisioning, configure Port#2 for transferring files between robot controller and your PC:

Fanuc tutorial Step3.png

2.2 Configure TCP/IP Server

Photoneo Fanuc Module requires State Server to run as a background task on robot controller. Configured TCP/IP server is necessary for this purpose.

Press Menu -> Setup -> Host Comm -> F4[SHOW] and select Servers

Fanuc tutorial Step4.png

Select S3 slot - we keep S1 and S2 slots reserved for user application.

Fanuc tutorial Step5.png

Configure TCP/IP server S3 as shown in the figure below:

Fanuc tutorial Step6.png

2.3 Configure TCP/IP Client

The main Photoneo Bin Picking application works in client mode. Configured TCP/IP Client is necessary for this purpose.

Press Menu -> Setup -> Host Comm -> F4[SHOW] and select Clients

Fanuc tutorial Step4.png

Select C3 slot - we keep C1 and C2 slots reserved for user application.

Fanuc tutorial Step7.png

Configure TCP/IP client C3 as shown in the figure below:

Fanuc tutorial Step9.png

2.4 Change Cartesian Origin of Robot

The Cartesian origin of Fanuc robots is different than the Cartesian origin of robot models used in the Photoneo Binpicking Studio. In order to ensure successful calibration, we need to apply predefined offset in Z axis in UFRAME.

Press Menu -> Next -> System -> Variables and scroll down until you find system variable named GROUP

Fanuc tutorial Step10.png

Press Enter to open GROUP menu and select UFRAME option as shown in the figure below:

Fanuc tutorial Step11.png

Edit the Z axis value according Offset table below and the arm you are using for your application.

Fanuc tutorial Step12.png

NOTE: Be careful since this change might affect your previously taught Cartesian positions

2.4 Load Photoneo Fanuc Module Files

Fanuc tutorial Step13.png

Fanuc tutorial Step14.png

Fanuc tutorial Step15.png

Fanuc tutorial Step16.png

Fanuc tutorial Step17.png

Fanuc tutorial Step18.png

Fanuc tutorial Step19.png

Fanuc tutorial Step20.png

Fanuc tutorial Step21.png

Fanuc tutorial Step22.png

Fanuc tutorial Step23.png

Fanuc tutorial Step24.png

Fanuc tutorial Step25.png

Fanuc tutorial Step26.png

Fanuc tutorial Step27.png

Fanuc tutorial Step28.png

Fanuc tutorial Step29.png

Plug Ethernet cable to appropriate socket in the Fanuc controller cabinet, restart the robot controller and try to ping

robot controller from the Vision Controller. If simple ping works, you can proceed to the configuration of robot controller communication.

2.2 Configure State Server

Now we will configure communication server for reporting current joint and tool poses to the Vision Controller

On Pendant press Menu -> Setup -> Host Comm -> F4[SHOW] -> Servers. Following list should appear:

Fanuc state server config 1.png

Enter S3 settings and configure PHOSTATE as shown in the figure below:

Fanuc state server config 2.png

Now, we need to set the server port which will be utilized for the communication.

Using pendant navigate to Menu -> Next -> System -> Variables.

Hold SHIFT to speed up scrolling and press ARROW DOWN several times to find - HOSTS_CFG as shown in the figure below:

Fanuc state server config 3.png

For State Server - S3 set SERVER_PORT system variable to 11004. (Be careful! SERVER_PORT and PORT are different items!)

Fanuc state server config 4.png

2.3 Configure Binpicking Client

As a next step we will configure communication client for transferring requests/responses between the Vision and Fanuc Controller.

On Pendant press Menu -> Setup -> Host Comm -> F4[SHOW] -> Clients. Following list should appear:

Fanuc bp client config 1.png

Enter C3 settings and configure PHOCLIENT as shown in the figure below.

Do not forget to input an IP address of Vision Controller Server here!

Fanuc bp client config 2.png

Hold SHIFT to speed up scrolling and press ARROW DOWN several times to find HOSTC_CFG as shown in the figure below

Fanuc bp client config 3.png

For C3 set SERVER_PORT system variable to 11003 (Be careful! SERVER_PORT and PORT are different items!)

Fanuc bp client config 4.png